Cloud Computing:
A Tech-Savvy Solution for your Business

How the cloud enables unprecedented business scenarios for small and medium-sized enterprise

The make or buy dilemma

When do you expect that 95% of the
global computing workload will be on the cloud?

within 3 years 74%

more than 3 years 22%

never 2%

Source: LogicMonitor [1]
If you’re wondering whether to switch to cloud computing rather than rely on a on-premise resources to manage, store and process business data, you need to know if the move is worthwhile. The cloud offers many advantages, some of which you might not have considered. This benefits overview can help you see what cloud computing offers.

According to a survey of LogicMonitor [1], 74% of the global IT decision-makers expect 95% of all workloads will be on the cloud within 2025. Put simply, any business that doesn’t take the plunge now faces the risk of being left behind and needing to catch up later.

The sooner you migrate to cloud computing, the further ahead you can get while companies that lag try to pull alongside and address the learning curve.

Cost-efficient Innovation

The amount you pay for cloud computing depends on the resources you actually use and the configuration you require, e.g. the level of geographical redundancy, the virtual hardware resources, etc. Sometimes the pricing might become very complex, and solutions for cost controlling and optimization of cloud resources are proliferating. Nevertheless, cost analyses demonstrate that it’s a little pricey before considering your ROI.

Considering the overall costs of data security and storage, plus the time spent in managing the infrastructure, it comes quickly that cloud computing is a cost-effective measure.

Potential financial advantages of cloud computing include decreased upgradable software costs and not needing significant capital investment upfront. Also, you no longer have to pay for information technology and hardware maintenance.

Easy access to data can save money and time for startup projects, and as the majority of cloud services are pay-as-you-go, you need only spend on the level of service your business requires.

Cloud empowers small and medium-sized enterprises with state of the art enterprise technology at affordable cost

Security by design

One of the main reasons some businesses haven’t yet switched to cloud computing is that they aren’t sure whether their information will be secure. But credible reports indicate your business data is probably safer with cloud computing than other management methods. Indeed, most Fortune 500 banks are accelerating the transition of their IT infrastructure to the cloud with a boost given by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nonetheless, the level of security offered depends primarily on the provider you choose. Some are more dedicated than others, so find a professional service provider and ensure your data will enjoy all the benefits of secure cloud computing like encryption and firewalls that screen for suspicious traffic.

A good cloud provider will also use two-factor identification and back up your data. But, again, check that these exist in your service agreement, and if so, your data should be well-protected.

Keeping a system secure implies constantly updating the software to prevent threats. System updates can be slow and irritating when they interrupt your work and stop progress. This is especially the case when those updates are system-wide, and employees must wait for them to download before they continue working. Cloud-based applications update and refresh on autopilot; this saves money on information technology consultation and company time.

High availability and fault tolerance

One of the biggest problems business owners dread is permanent data loss when their local hardware malfunctions. Without the cloud, valuable information is shackled to office computers.

Mishaps like hardware deterioration, user error, and laptop theft can lead to losing data. If you embrace the cloud rather than store information locally, you are less likely to lose valuable information. You can also retrieve it on any computer if your regular device malfunctions or goes missing.

50% of businesses never recover after a data loss catastrophe, and 93% without a data recovery plan stop trading within a year of a data disaster, according to the National Archives & Records Administration in Washington [1]. While you can’t protect your business from unforeseeable calamities, cloud computing can help you recover fast if the worst happens.


Businesses that never recover after a data loss catastrophe


Firms without a data recovery plan stop trading within a year of a data disaster

Users that recuperate within 4 hours after a disaster


Cloud users



20% of cloud users recuperate within four hours; this might not seem like a tremendous number, but compared to the 9% of non-cloud users who do likewise, it’s notable [4]. When you use the cloud, natural disasters and power outages are far less likely to create damaging levels of business downtime.

Storing data via cloud computing will help you maintain quality control for your business. Because information’s in one place with easy access for employees, it’s simple to manage and avoid human error.

There will be no mixing up old and new data or mislaying information. For example, silo-managed data can be a problem when employees save different document versions, but cloud computing ensures this can’t happen.

Hyperconnectivity for the modern workforce

Because cloud computing works on smartphones, you and your employees don’t need to sit in the office all day to access cloud resources.

You and your workforce can enjoy a better work-life balance since your work location is flexible, and problems like pandemics and transport issues need not mean your business suffers. In addition, you can stay up to date with co-workers and clients on the move and, if you like, employ remote workers rather than rent an office.

Any business with employees needs to prioritize the ease of collaboration for the modern workforce. Cloud computing is invaluable for data sharing, project management, and all team-based work, and some cloud providers offer social spaces where their customers can join forces. Instant connectivity for your employees can increase engagement and interest.


You might want to commit to cloud computing and join other successful businesses that have already made the move, after considering these advantages. Cloud can offer your business plenty of time and money-saving benefits, not to mention greater peace of mind.

If you make the switch, be savvy, however. Create a migration strategy and carry out a provider check to ensure you make a wise choice, and the change should be worthwhile.


[1] LogicMonitor, LogicMonitor’s Cloud 2025 study, 2020
[2] “Computer Center. Inc, Essential Cyber Security for Your Law Firm: Protecting You and Your Clients”, J. Pearson, 2019
[3] Norton, “How Secure is the cloud?“, Accessed on: 2022-09-16
[4] Salesforce, “12 Benefits of Cloud Computing“, Accessed on: 2022-09-16


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