Complex Problems?
Simple Solutions!

Most systems work best if they are simple! Simple solutions allow building complex systems easy to maintain.

Keep It Simple

In today’s large organizations, it is not unusual to find IT systems, which run in business for several years. Over time those systems normally grow increasing in complexity for different kinds of reasons: wrong initial design, increased number of functionalities, lack of knowledge, etc. Sometimes such systems are simply “born to be complex”, although the complexity is not always necessary and should be avoided; a common assumption is that the more features a system has, the better will be. The truth is that, in most cases, this proliferation of features creates more damage than value.

An IT System can be simple or complex depending on the way we choose to design it. Simplicity doesn’t mean stupid, yet it means a fast initial learning curve, a short time needed to analyze issues when they occur, and a low maintenance effort; in two words, it means fewer costs. Although effective, might not be efficient to shoot a fly with a cannon.

The goal while designing an IT system is to solve a problem, however complicated, with the easiest possible solution. It is usually not an easy task, but the closer you get to this goal, the higher will be the benefit generated by the effort spent on it.

Perfection (in design) is achieved not when there is nothing more to add but rather when there is nothing more to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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