Build a winning
Data Strategy

Assess your data maturity with our FREE tool
developed by leading business analysts

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Online statistics and data Analytics.
Why a Data Strategy is important

Every business,
no matter the size,
should use data

Data is crucial to any business, regardless of its size, industry or structure. To survive in an evolving data-driven world, businesses need a data strategy to ensure they establish a sustainable competitive advantage.

A business’s ability to execute a successful data strategy is determined by its level of data maturity. Based on The Convolut Data Strategy Quick Check, this short assessment helps benchmark your business’s data capabilities, identify barriers, and leverage your data assets to improve your overall data strategy.

business coach speaker

Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, the only way to stay competitive in the modern market is to be data-driven.

The Framework

The Data Strategy Quick Check

Your Data Journey Starts Here

Data is a powerful asset that is directly linked to business performance. Despite its potential, most businesses struggle to utilize their data to make informed decisions, implement data-focused processes and cultivate a distinct competitive advantage.

This is why we developed the Convolut Data Strategy Quick Check. Our framework focuses on two fundamental areas: analytical skills and the capability to convert those skills into a data strategy. This aims to help businesses get a multi-dimensional view of their data maturity level, so they can take actionable steps to strengthen their data skills and capabilities.

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The Four Quadrants

The roadmap to data maturity
for businesses of every size

Discover where your business stands on the road to optimum data strategy.
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Minimal Analytical Skills e limited Capability to Execute


The starter is at the beginning of a data-informed culture. In this early stage, data is collected for basic reporting purposes. They have a growing interest in the value of data, and recognize the need to improve their analytical skills and strategy execution capabilities to stay competitive.
High Analytical Skills and Developing Capability To Execute


The visionary utilizes their advanced analytical skills to understand their data, although lacks the data-driven environment and support to leverage their data proficiency for a competitive advantage.
Advanced Data Capabilities with Minimal Analytical Skills


Opposed to the visionary, the follower is equipped with a data-rich culture and the necessary management support to maximize their data transformation. Although the absence of analytical skills prevents them from gaining clear insights.
High Analytical Skills with Well Established Capability To Execute

Data Champion

Data champions have a data-driven culture ingrained throughout their business. With modern analytical skills and a team that prioritizes data in a decision-making and business processes, data champions can gain a competitive edge by driving innovation and making well-informed decisions quickly.
Our Free Self-Assessment App

Take the First Step
Towards a successful Data Strategy

Don’t be left behind in a data-driven market, join the thousands of businesses discovering where they stand on the data maturity journey and what it takes to maximize their data skills and capabilities for a sustainable competitive advantage.

Take the first step towards implementing a successful data strategy with our FREE Data Strategy Quick Check.

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Convolut™ Data Strategy Quick Check App

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With extensive experience and technical expertise, we’ve helped businesses of all sizes achieve transformational data maturity and become data-driven leaders in their industries. Get in touch with us today to find out more.

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